About gemaak innie kaap


Home-grown local gal and eccentric, Lizar van Reenen, is the co-owner of this proudly local BEE business called gemaak-innie-kaap.  She is the one behind the blog initiative featuring inspiring individuals from Cape Town focusing on our culinary heritage. Brought up in Retreat, a neighbourhood in the Southern suburbs, she was exposed to a mixture of Cape cultures ranging from Muslim, Indian, Coloured and Cape Malay families. Like most coloured neighbourhoods, Retreat was known for its vibrant integrated community spirit with neighbours chatting over their fences speaking ‘kombuis afrikaans’ (plain Afrikaans mixed with shortened or made up Afrikaans words or phrases). Neighbours ‘exchanging’ recipes generally had nothing to do with food – it was mostly just about hanging out; or a way of catching up on the neighbourhood gossip. This however, was how the integration and experimentation of new ingredients happened. A cultural culinary journey that was freely extended from one home to the next.

Realizing the significant role her heritage and culture played in her past and present life, Lizar started this blog, largely dedicating it to our Cape food culture by means of colourful individuals sharing their past culinary experiences and personal stories.

As part-owner of Gemaak innie kaap and being proudly local, she also created a T-Shirt brand sporting Cape Lingo wording – words that she remembers fondly growing up in her neighbourhood and living in and around our Mother City.

Feel free to visit, like or share our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Gemaak-innie-kaap-1390473501221982/ or drop Lizar a line at gik.lizar@gmail.com for any enquiries.

VIEW OUR CLOTHING BRAND:  https://gemaakinniekaap.wordpress.com/contact/

2 thoughts on “About gemaak innie kaap

  1. Hi Laurenda

    The passion & drive you have for your photography is shown in your pics.

    Great work , skies the limit. Make your mark !!!

    All the best forward.

    Kind regards

    Shaun Moleon

    Camerashack – Cape Town

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